
Saturday, July 19, 2014

FNSI - July

Last night was spent in the company of 56 other like minded souls all over the place - sewing away.  Had a few emails with a fellow hexie maker - we kept each other going - or was it the looming deadline??
I had a hexie row to finish for Sunday and as usual, I cant show you what I did, so I thought I'd show you what I to work with . .Lovely fabrics

We only have two more rows to make until we can do the "reveal".
Thanks Wendy for a being a charming hostess yet again - those apple turnovers sure looked good.
Pop over here if you want to have a fun time visiting.

PS - Do you see the "Days Until" counter over on the right - yep 3 weeks and I will be "on retreat" sewing away constantly - oh and maybe a bit of chatter, laughing, eating . . .Got a few thing to prep before but making progress on that.


  1. Yum those fabrics are a delicious combination....Can't wait to see what you have made with those...Ah retreats are so lovely....Enjoy yours when it arrives x

  2. Gorgeous fabric, can't wait to see what you make with these!

  3. Judging by the fabric, you are making something really special!

  4. Oooh lucky you, love going on sewing retreat. We have a weekend at the seaside sewing in September (oh that sounds funny when you say it out loud!) and so looking forward to it!

  5. Can't wait to see the row by row Susan..... see you tomorrow.


  6. Lovely fabrics Susan. Enjoy your retreat...such a lovely thing to do.

  7. Beautiful fabrics. Hope you have a lovely retreat.

  8. Progress on those blocks .. Looking forward to it ..

  9. Hope you got your hexies finished. You had pretty fabrics to use. Looking forward to tomorrow - see you there.

  10. love your pretty fabrics...
    Ah!!! I think you are excited about your retreat.. They are always such fun...

  11. Beautiful fabrics, would love to see what you do with them

  12. I did mine last minute too Susan. Can't wait to see my quilt. I keep falling in love with each quilt as I add my row. Hugs......

  13. I can't wait for the big will be amazing~!


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