
Friday, August 9, 2013

Retreat 2013 - Day 1

(Sorry this is a long post)

This is the 7th year my patchwork group have gone away as a group - just us - for a retreat. We usually start sewing Friday after lunch - this year some got a head start! We stop about the same time on the following Tuesday - although not everyone gets to stay that long - and combined with Wednesday being a public holiday for Brisbane - and I don't work Thursdays, it seems only sensible that I take Friday as leave.  So when I get back - I just keep sewing . .  . until Sunday night. So that's almost 10 days of sewing!!!!    Yippee!!!

I am not a big photographer and I haven't in the past kept notes about what I did when sometimes its hard to work out when I started a project.  I am getting better and my blog does make some of that easier.  So - expect details.  - ie lots of words and lots of pictures this time.

Friday  pre lunch - setting up:

Friday lunch - certainly the "quaintest"  pub I have ever been to.  But the food is great.

and a huge plate of crumbed lamb cutlets

Friday 2pm
We have arrived - our first job - is to write each project we hope to work on / finish to whatever stage we plan - on post-its.  Each person has a different picture on their post its and they are placed on the left hand side of the white board.
Some people bring oodles of small projects...[You will read about Miss High Achiever in the following posts - you will see all the pink post its...].  Some concentrate on larger ones so only have a few tickets.  There is no prize - it's just a game.
(If you know anything about Agile Software Development - someone created a brilliant idea of creating a storyboard where each item that has to be completed in a sprint (ie a portion of the time allowed to finish the big project) had a ticket with an avatar on it.   Well DUH Mr  Agile - we have that covered without the text book instructions and fancy names..  And funnily - there is no prize when we follow this Agile process at work either...-...sorry - just having a little dig here.)

So here is the Starting Point:
Here we are working hard:

And by "lights out" - which is whenever the last person gives up - tonight this was taken at 11.45pm -  this is where we are at:


  1. have a fun weekend Susan with your friends.xx

  2. Looks like you are all having a wonderful time. I was just saying to myself "i recognize that room" as i scrolled down & then saw the Mt Alford pub so yes i know the room well. :) Hugs,xx

  3. It looks like a great place to retreat to. I had to scroll back to see if you had got any work done and yes I did see some post its had been moved. It looks like a great way to keep on track.

  4. dear Susan, I hope you enjoy every single moment. It sure sounds like fun! xx debbie

  5. Continued fun stitching and friend time Susan....sounds and looks wonderful :)

  6. A great start to your retreat. Will be keen to see the white board by the end. Have a great time.

  7. I'm heading off to a sewing weekend at the end of August - can't wait. Have fun!

  8. I am reading through posts backwards..... looks like a great start...


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