
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Erin's Quilt

I finally got back to working on this quilt today - it is due to be gifted as a wedding present - the wedding is 1st December.  I just need to add the border - I have the border fabric - well I thought I did - but when I had another look today and with some "group input" I have decoded that what I have will have to be part of something else - off to the LQS tomorrow (luckily the patchwork shop closest to me is open Sundays - a rare thing in Brisbane...)
You can't see any detail - I took this shot inside at night.

Its almost the same as this one - but this one is in teals (well turquoises, bluey greens and greeny blues - I know you understand) as per the bride's request.  It's actually a bit greener than how it looks here.


  1. It is really beautiful's amazing how things change sometimes when you get it all together. Hope you found something great for it.

  2. What a gorgeous flimsy.. Love the colours you used.

  3. Looking good so far. Glad your LQS is open on Sundays....might have to get the name of it for future reference cause nothing this side of the river is

  4. This quilt is lovely, hope you had luck finding the right fabric for the border. I looked at your daughter's quilt, it is beautiful. I did a small quilt with the same stitcheries (Love Is). Hugs....

  5. enjoy your trip to the patchwork shop.........

  6. The quilt is lovely Susan. Hope you found the perfect border fabric x

  7. The quilt is just lovely Susan, I hope you find some border fabric you like... lucky couple to be the new owners of it

  8. Gorgeous quilt Susan, great wedding gift.....


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