
Saturday, April 22, 2017

FNSI - April

Back to my standby project for Friday nights - Little Patchwork Village.   
So easy to stitch away - watching TV - sadly a repeat of BH&G....

Earlier in the night DH & I had taken DD2 and her partner to the airport.  DD2 has been seconded/transferred to a venue in ACT as Manager for a 4-5 month stint...Sad to see her go...but very pleased for her and her promotion.  She will have her hands full there and feel a bit cooler than normal, but I know she's up to it.

Thanks to Wendy for hosting and coordinating us all - sometimes the extra motivation we need to stay focused!!

Friday, April 14, 2017

100 Modern Quilt Blocks - A Modern Challenge

I bought this book - along with friends Maureen & Inca and another new friend Sue.   We decided we would each make our own version of a quilt using the blocks.

I am working on mine - not ready to show it yet...but I decided to participate in the Queensland Quilters Challenge this year, so used the patterns in the book to create my quilt.

The block patterns are very simple - you can whizz through quite a few in a night...that was some of the reason I chose to use them...very time poor at the moment....

Saturday, April 8, 2017

FNWF - April

Again - time to join in with cyber friends to sew or craft in some way.

An easy dinner of leftovers - and TV on....stitching on lap...disconnecting brain from work problems . . .

Working on my Little Patchwork Village...block 6 (of 9)

Hope everyone is having a fun weekend - thanks as always to Cheryll for hosting and coordinating us all.  Go here to visit the others.

I'm hoping to give my blog some time & attention over Easter . . .and hope to catch up on some blog reading.