
Monday, January 30, 2017

Australia Day Swap - 2017

I joined in Anthea's Australia Day Swap.

We had to send 5 gifts starting with letters in AUSTRALIA.  Nothing had to be hand made.  Sounded easy enough and a bit of fun.

Here is what I sent to my person - Anthea herself.

These are the gifts I included:
A - Australian fabric
U - Unhealthy treats
S - Soap (Lemon Myrtle)
T - Temporary Tattoos

R - Reindeer fabric

She posted about it here:
I had to "pinch" her photo - I am sure I took one but it's lost in never never land I think.

And I received this lovely bundle of goodies from Kerrie at Channelback Creations.  The hand made card - isn't it gorgeous? - had a list of the letters & each gift.

A - Australian fabric
T - Tea bags (Australian tea)

R - Ribbons
L - Lace
I -  Indigenous fabric - a cute little holder for tea bags, sugar sachets, coffee sachets, spoon - etc

Thanks Anthea for organising this fun swap - and a big thanks to Kerrie for my goodies...especially the hand made tea bag folder.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Nundle 2016 Project

My yearly trek to Nundle is approaching - so I thought I better get last year's project finished.

We were given supplies and patterns for several projects.  This is one of them - a sewing folder...correctly titled "Needlebook" - but it holds so much more.

I will make the scissor holder as well - maybe a February finish?

I was lucky enough to win one of the table toppers from last year and made it into a zippy pouch last August.  I also decided a little coaster would make a useful addition for when I use this folder and pouch.
(OK - I'm just a matchy match-aholic)

Saturday, January 21, 2017

FNSI - January

A month goes by so we are already 2/3rd through January!!

Friday Night Sew In and I was stitching Block 4 of Mrs Beasley's sampler - I am looking forward to finishing this quilt - it is so soft and pretty - and a slightly different look for me...

There is a lot of work in those butterflies!!  

I hope all my fellow FNSIers had a productive time.  Thanks again Wendy for the motivation to sew in a cyber group.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Hexie for Sharmayne

Do you know Sharmayne???

Her blog is here:

She is making a table cloth for new house - when she moves - and is hoping to collect hexies from fellow bloggers.
She would love to get one from you I am sure.

It's a very simple request - one hexie with your name etc.

"So I'm putting it out there and asking if any of you might like to embroider your name onto a single hexie and post it out to me so I can add the petals to it to make the flowers.   All I need is the centre hexie with your name (and town or state or country you live in, if you want to add that and your blog name if you wish).   The finished hexie size is 2.5inches ( that is 2.5 in along each finished hexie side).  They will need to be done in white, cream, calico, pale lemon or pale yellow please ...."

Or you can click here to read it on her blog and get her address.

This is the one I made for her - but use your own creative juices!!
(she added the outside hexies.)

Saturday, January 7, 2017

FNWF January

Back into the swing of Friday Night sewing - this time I spent most of the day with my bestie - planning embellishments for my "My Town" quilt which is on the "To Do" list for this year.

I've also started a "100 Modern Quilt Blocks" quilt - it won't be 100 blocks but will be a cut down version of the "Skyline" quilt in the book.

While I was working on that I had another idea about 'something' and made some pink blocks too.

On Saturday it was the first meeting of No1 Group - so I started on the planned embellishments and added some flowers to the Florists block and sewed some flowers onto the church block.  ...

It's almost the end of my Annual Leave...😞....I did get quite a few things on the "Christmas Break To Do List" done...but there is still quite a list.
Tomorrow - Sunday - is the first meeting of No 2 Group, so I will get some more sewing done - probably not enough to cross one more item off the list, but any progress is good progress.

Thanks Cheryll for hosting us all again.  Pop over here for the link up list.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all!!

I wish everyone a happy, not too challenging year.

I am on leave from work and always try to get a few sewing things done over the break, though of course the list is longer than the time off....

To wrap up the year I have two small finishes....not UFOs.
My friend Inca recently gave me a small zippy pouch and matching house pincushion.

and as I have the same collection of fabrics I thought I would make a "sewing companion" to store needles, scissors etc and a large pouch.

This is all being used to store block 4 of Mrs Beasley's sampler which I am finally able to get on with.  Finishing the quilt is a definite goal for this year.

I have managed to remove a few other things from my list but no real evidence of this to show you....for example I sewed about 20 buttons onto my Quilt Diva, and prepared block 4 of Mrs B sampler.

Cheers to 2017!!!
As I said somewhere else - may your list f UFOs decrease over the year...that allows plenty of new projects as long as some get done . .  .LOL