
Monday, October 31, 2016

October Finish

A finish for October...I missed a finish in July...but otherwise I am slowly chipping away at older UFOs...still a few to go....I am hopeful I will finish most of them in 2017.

I started this in October 2013.  I was doing a "bargello" project with a group of ladies and wisely chose a smaller project - initially it was to be a runner for our outside table - but since then we have changed the table and what I had already started was then too wide to use on the table, so this will now sit on the servery between the kitchen and outside area.  I plan to make some placemats to match - but just in strips I think.   Enough bargello for now!!

I plan to have at least 3 finishes for November - I have been working on 3 quilts "in tandem" - the thought being that if I worked on just one at a time - the second and third would have been harder to keep focused will see what I mean next month!!

Apart from that - there is a lot of secret stuff happening!
I'm off on a short retreat next week so maybe I can get some of it done then.

Happy Sewing to you all.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Late for FNWF

Where did that weekend go??

Friday Night saw me sewing along with all the FNWF'ers...but Saturday was busy and Sunday I went to the Brisbane Craft Show.

Here is my Friday Night stitching....some progress on my old "go to " project when nothing else is ready...

The Craft Show:
I have never been on a Sunday before...It was so quiet and really the best day you could go...some bargains to be had at the end of the day...
But the number of stall holders was down...again
The price keeps going up - for entrance and the rental of the its the old Catch 22 - the less suppliers the less attendees and then less suppliers...etc etc
But there were a few new retailers which was encouraging to see.
Plenty of opportunity to get a good Retail Fix.