
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday Stitchers - March

Today was our March get together  and of course the usual laughing, chatting and eating happened...

It was also Easter Table Runner swap day...I have had an overly busy March - some planned events which I will blog about sometime when I get back on track! ....but there were also unplanned trips interstate I was really pushed to get my runner done on time....I finished it last night at 11.45pm!

I made for De and - not by coincidence.... - De made for me!

Here is the runner I made....

and here is the fabulous "Carrot runner" De made - she had to beg & borrow Orange fabric strips to complete it - so a big thanks to the contributors.
De also added a cute bunny - perfect to fill with chocolates...or turn into a pin cushion (???To Do list)  and I forgot to add that in when I took the picture . . . .
We made some great runners - lots of bunnies and eggs... it was great to see all the variations.
We are now looking forward to a 12" mini quilt swap in July...I promise myself I will start early!....but will I finish early??
Thanks everyone for another great day sewing.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Let's Get Stitched - Sunday

Sunday was the Sewing Day - and a great chance to catch up with Fiona - and an old Sydney friend - my first patchwork teacher - Lorraine.

Each of the Nutters had a new design for us and three "surprise" designers - Cheryl Goss was one - she wasn't able to come on the day ... and then two more - one I know very well - even "slept" with her when I was on retreat..she didn't mention a word...Teresa...and also Michelle Krawczyk.

We had starter packs for each project and kits were available to finish off the projects. During the  day I made 5/6 of a 6 pointed star - I really wanted a different fabric for the 6th point....

and 6/7 of a hexie flower - again I wanted a different fabric to finish it off...

not too sure what these will become ...I already have too much on the go to even think about them for now . . the hexie flower might end up as a pincushion / needle case etc

LGS is in Hobart next year and the planning is already well underway.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Let's Get Stitched - Friday

Friday was Bus Trip day - I arrived early enough for a quick breakfast with the Nutters and then the meet & greet - get my name badge - this is from Dawn - she did a wonderful job of selecting colours for me.

First stop - Bayside Stitchcraft - a small purchase for me...loved the buttons - and thought I'd try the premade binding for the design boards I want to make.

Then a very short trip to Linen & Lace - a lovely shop full of pretties.

A slightly longer trip to Nikki Tervo's shop - behind her house on a lovely block of land - this was in the garden...must be where her elves live . . . 

I bought a few yellow scrappy fat 1/16ths, some needles (can you have enough needles??).
Nikki also gave each one of us a booklet of 12 of her stitcheries - very kind.  If you live in Brisbane it's certainly worth a look - a good range of fabric and a Tilda room....not to mention all her lovely buttons etc.

Hop back on the bus . . longer trip this time . . one of the group was a bit over the moon about the Gateway Bridge - most of us just chatted . . . lunch time at the Full Moon  then a short trip back to Faeries in My Garden!!
I have finally given in and bought a replacement "A Tisket A Tasket" kit - I originally received this as a Gift of the Month and had done about 2/3rd of the stitching - I think I took it with me on a work trip - and have never found it day I hope I will get back and re make it...

And last trip - by now we were way behind time - off to Salisbury to the Quilters Store - where finally we got coffee tea & cake...Whoo Hoo
So, this is the kit and more perle thread for my Nature's Journey and a button...With the big container of buttons I have one would think I had one suitable but . . . no . . 

Last trip on the bus - by now I had remembered the first step on (and off) was a doozy!, back to the hotel.

I had a bit of a rest and a bit more chatting ...with the Tuesday Girls, then down stairs for pizzas and games...I have never been to LGS before but I've heard about the games - and lots of talk about "Poise".. - what a laugh!!!!

Firstly we had a swap - each of us had brought along some items to swap - patterns, collections of fabrics, kits etc...I had four patterns  I no longer wanted so took them - was supposed to only be three - got four tickets, so when my number was called out I could select something - this is what I ended up with - great items!!!

Then the Charm Pack swap - we all had a charm pack in a brown paper bag and did the left right left story and actions - somehow - several times people ended up with no packet and someone on the other side of the room had two - what the ??? we all thought...
Finally I ended up with this one . . . 

I cant talk too much about the games - what happens at LGS must stay at LGS...

A rest day today - Dinner is on tonight...most of the visitors are amusing themselves doing the touristy things ....some are shopping.....again.....I have a few things to sort out personally and domestically (we do need groceries . . .)  and Sunday is Sewing Day - very much looking forward to catching up with a few people in particular...

A HUGE thankyou to the Nutters who organise this each year...there were about 45 of us yesterday - more for Sunday and it all started with a small group of people meeting in a park at Cleveland five years ago....

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Nature's Journey - February

Nothing like a deadline to make you drop everything else get on with sewing!!

We had a deadline of the end of the month for Part 1 of Natures Journey over on the Stitch-a-long
So, I had a big sewing marathon - I rarely just sit & sew all day unless I'm on retreat...but a deadline is a deadline so I did what I had to do - I sat on the recliner and sewed and had the TV going...caught up on some old shows that had been recorded - one mentioned Mothers Day so it must be really old...

Part 1 done & dusted...

One of the blocks is for the year - so I have "optimistically" sewn 2015....I can always add the word..."Started"
Hopefully the March blocks won't be a last minute scramble again... March does have more days...but in between I have Lets Get Stitched happening in Brisbane, a trip to Nundle and an Easter table runner to pressure!