
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Brisbane Bloggers - Stitchers Inc - Christmas Party

This afternoon we gathered to mark the end of the year as a group and to swap our Secret Santa presents.

There were a few extras - choccies, bon-bons and stars.
Sandi made a bob-bon for each of us - complete with joke, hat, 2 wine glass charms (they make useful additions to earrings!!!), a piece of fabric (I got a purple piece - very lucky!!!) and of course a "snap".  They were beautiful:

 De made these very clever folded stars

There was a bountiful supply of food....

And here are some of the presents....

 Here is mine all wrapped:

Mine came from Maree and was a cute mat to use for Santa's snacks, a box of Maltesers decorated to look like Santa and a box (handmade) containing a set of cards for all sorts of celebrations - they are just gorgeous - thanks again and again Maree.
(we have two Marees - Organising Maree and this Maree who is very big into papercraft...maybe we should call her Paper Maree???)

This is what I made - for Teresa.
Bronwyn Hayes Mug Bag.

I 'think' she likes it!!

Maree, (Organising Maree) who does all our organising, also gave out two "lucky door" prizes.  A big thanks to her!!!

We started the day at high noon - and managed to squeeze in a few minutes of stitching towards the end  ...

A fun afternoon...

Thanks again to everyone.

For more pictures - you can visit Noela  and go here to see Lynda's gorgeous cross stitched ornament/pincushion.  Not to forget Teresa who always does a very informative post. And Marilyn has a great shot of the Celtic table runner she made as well as a lot of other goodies.  More from Cheryll and De

Saturday, November 16, 2013

FNSI - November

Well, some would query whether this is "real" sewing - but it suits my purpose for now.
I spent some of FNSI 'doing' these:

(Not very neat around the edges but it's wash-a-way stabilizer)

I am not saying too much about these for now - and whilst this was happening I was catching up on blogs and emails and other "stuff".

Thanks to Wendy for hosting our party and the yummy sounding recipe.

December next time - that is downright scary.....

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Travelling Treasures - going to the US!!!

Aunt Marti who lives way over in the USA - was the first to correctly guess that I was working on a hand embroidered tea towel - so I will be posting off those goodies - less a few - plus a few to her very soon.

Marti's blog name is 52 Quilts in 52 weeks - so you can guess she gets through a fair amount of stuff!!  Actually I don't thinks she sleeps very much - I am sure there are not that many hours in a day....

So, be sure to go & visit Marti later on - to try to "win back" the Travelling Treasures!

PS - Dont forget about Friday NIght Sew In - tomorrow night.   (Well really Friday night anywhere in the world.)
Hop over here if you want to join in the fun....

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Travelling Treasures

Back in March, Debbie started Travelling Treasures.

I was lucky enough to win in October and this gorgeous collection of bits arrived from Bev C.

Bev included two machine embroidery blocks - one especially for me - It will be great hanging in my Sewing Space....(I used Bev's picture)... a project for 2014.

What will I take and what will I add??? Its a Mystery.....

So, to be in the draw to win, leave a comment on this post and tell me......(before Midnight Tuesday 12th November Brisbane time), what you think I am working on in this post.  If no one guesses - I'll let Mr Random Generator pick a number.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

FNWF November

Like a lot of other sewers I joined up with Friday Night With Friends - and did some secret sewing.

Here is a hint.....could be a lot of things

The first Friday certainly snuck up on us.

Saturday was a Sewing with Friends day too - but more of the secret stuff...
Time is certainly getting away from me this is a quick post...but I'll be back soon for Travelling Treasures