
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July SAL finish

I posted this one over at SAL but forgot to include it here:

This is from Natalie Birds' book Tis the Season - Chilly Penguin bag.
The stitchery was optional - so I left it out.
To me it was a bit small so I didn't want to make a big fuss of it.
I hand pieced the hexagons instead of paper piecing them - I haven't hand pieced for years so it was nice to do.

I made it from a Charm Pack I won  quite a while back.. I pieced the back and handles as well to use more of the fabric.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Silly Season - Susan Style

Silly Season is here.

No, I don't mean Christmas - this is my retreat time of the year.  I am the chief organiser - a glowing title - but really it  all comes together pretty easily these days.  But I do send regular emails to all the group - telling them 90 days, 80 etc etc, until  we got to one calendar month, 30 days and 4 weeks all within a few days!!!  So it then became a weekly count and now it's days (or sleeps!!! - nothing childish about us at all).

So now its 

10 sleeps.

Monday, July 29, 2013

July Finish

I aim to finish at least one UFO a month.

And if you don't know the drill:    I joined Sew Its Finished a couple of years ago to encourage me to do this - and this year I also joined up with Peg & Kris for OPAM  and to top it off Aunt Marti issued a challenge to finish 13 projects in 2013.  Marti picks a number and we are meant to have numbered the 13 projects and do that number in that month.  Well, this month I have had to cheat a bit.  The project this month should have been #8 and that was making a cushion out  of a piece of machine quilting I did way back - I mean really way back.... I will leave the details for - off I went and bought some homespun for the backing and the cushion insert....Come time to make it....Where the heck is the piece of machine quilting???? I have searched and must be here...tucked away.... so I had to find another project.

This was started in....well maybe before 2005 (shame shame.....but wait til I find the machine quilted piece....).  The top was all done  - it was sitting in its little labelled box with the backing and binding already made.  

So, now I have a spare box...wonder what I will find to go in it???   Maybe my piece of machine quilting?

Saturday, July 20, 2013


My goal for Friday night was to turn this

into this

These blocks are for a Funky / I Spy Disappearing 9 patch and I hope to end up with two quilts about the size of a single bed.
So, adding these (18) to the ones I already have makes a total of 32 blocks.  I now need to cut them in 4 and then I can put at least one of them together when I am on retreat.
(Did I hear someone say 2 weeks and 6 days til I go??????????)

Off to the Coorparoo Quilt Show this afternoon.
If you are local its is on today and tomorrow ....

Photo: If you are looking for something to do this next weekend, I hope you will come visit me...
The shop is having a stand and the quilt show is always a great one with so much to see...
Hope to see u 
Share this post and then come see me at the quilt show to receive a special gift...

If photography is allowed, I will take lots & post later.

Thanks to WendyB for taking on the coordination/organisation.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

FNSI - July

I'll be sewing along with a whole bunch of people for Friday Night Sew In...what will I work on??Not too sure yet - got a FEW thing to choose from.

Hope to see you there.

If you want to join in - pop over here.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Another Quilt Show

I know its that time of the year...but off we went to Buderim for the Buderim Craft Group's Quilt Show.

The Buderim Craft Group is a collection of a variety of groups and in November they have a Fair where all the crafters display and sell work, but in July it's the quilters who put on a show (and sell some things)

Here are a few things I especially admired...
(sorry another photo overload)

This is a lovely version of Leanne Beasley's Leanne's House quilt which I'd really love to make one day now that my Journey of a Quilter is nearly finished.

 and some close ups - Debby - who made this - is a crazy patchworker at heart - I got to talk to her and she said she would wake up in the middle of the night and think "Oh I could do that in that spot" - so this quilt has lots of buttons and beads.

(One of the reasons I like to go to this Quilt Show is the fact that my Aunt is a long standing  member of the group - including a long time as Treasurer - so she knows most of the quilters and introduces me to them.)

and  here is some detail of some stockings made by Debby 

 I thought this quilt was a good pattern for using bits and for a more manly pattern.

and a close up

I thought this was really quirky with the cats around the edges

 and a beautiful jacket

 this was stunning - this design was based on a tiled floor in Venice 

 and a few pictures I took - more for ideas - they go on the "haha if ever" list

and the final one - appliqued flowers in pale bali fabrics - of particular note is the interesting stripy fabric - a bali - used around the outside.

All in all - a fun day with my bestie and my Aunt.

Next quilt show...not far away (in time) - but closer to home.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

FNWF - June

I think its a great idea to link up with Cheryll and a lot of others (49 when I checked) to have a Sew-In.  I would probably sew anyway - but knowing that I am sewing with others makes me keep going instead of stopping early.

The plan for this Friday was to add the other 3 borders to this quilt.

and I got that done - though I still need to finish the mitred seams.

I also had some prepping to do ready for my sewing get-together today.

I hope everyone else had a very productive night and are a tiny bit closer to finishing something. (Though I have to admit that the "prepping" part was for a new project - OMGosh - when will I stop??? - not for a while I hope.)

Pop over and have a look at what the others worked on.