
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Progress on Susan's Sewing Space

I  have had a lot of fun doing up my sewing space - it is starting to come together the way I want it.  Here are some photos:

Wardrobe doors covered in wadding to make a design wall (and so I don't keep catching glimpses of me!!)  And a favourite quilt I made in 2008 (Quilt Diva by Amy Bradley) - a great place to add buttons and charms.

And notice boards and a fantastic calendar -  "A Wild Wacky Woman" calendar in fact.
 Shelving, a plug in fluorescent light - very handy!  (its under the shelf but you cant see it!)

A peg board - very handy for rulers.  And hanging long strips etc!

 A cupboard used as a small cutting table and ironing place and above it a great hanging rail and purple pots for cutters, scissors etc (from Ikea)

I also have a bed in here (in case I need a rest!!)

I am so happy to have this space - its been a loooong time since I had my own space.  I was very busy over the Christmas break - so hopefully my "productive mojo" is here to stay.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Holiday Projects

I really like to use my Christmas break to get a lot of sewing done and I also try to get stuff organised so I can spend more time sewing than preparing once I get back to work.This Christmas break I also had another project to focus on.  Since D#1 got married and left home I have been slowly transforming her room into Susan's Sewing Space (SSS) - a physical space instead of cyberspace.  I think a sewing room will always be a continual evolution, but for now it's in pretty good shape.  More on that in a later post.
But for now - here is part of what I achieved during my break:

 Firstly a sewing tidy for my Daughter - the one who moved away and now has my "spare sewing machine". We spent a week at her place while she and her husband were away and I decided she needed a nifty little pincushion and rubbish container (and some decent pins).

Whilst holidaying at her place I also stiched the block of this project and finished it off at home:

This is one block from the pattern by Helen Stubbings - Truly Aussie.
(And believe it or not - it will hang in the room where the toilet is - as opposed to "in the toilet" - since I have decorated that room with beach houses - nothing crazy about me at all!!)

This wall hanging was all stitched during 2011 but needed finishing off. And now hangs on the door of SSS.

and a close up of the verse:

This block was stitched way back - anytime from 2005 - 200?  (New Years resolution - make notes of start & finish dates), so I completed it to hang on the door to SSS.

(I took the photo before adding the buttons.) 
Its a Bronwyn Hayes design and here is the label:

I finished off this quilt - "Pansies in Bloom" - made from 9 patch blocks made by the members of my patchwork group for my birthday in 2010 (and added to by me).  It should have been finished by my birthday in 2011 - and I nearly made it - apart from the binding.
Its a disappearing 9 patch pattern - so easy and so effective with a scrappy look.  I gave each person a square of pansy fabric and they added tone on tones or pansy fabrics.

I also finished my Tis the Season - this was a project over at the Stitch-a-Long blog - I didn't belong to the blog for that quilt although I am now a member.

And one more - Stitchers Priority Wall Hanging a Natalie Bird design - also for SSS.

Well, I guess that's it - apart from all the work I did in my room. (Just loving having my own separate space!!!)

Back to work tomorrow - what a shame!!!!  I am on a roll here.