
Monday, November 29, 2010

What makes me feel Happy, Melancholy & Helpful

This weekend I watched Daughter #1 be a bridesmaid for one of her good friends.  After a stressful few weeks of exams, her Birthday, attending to late issues that needed to be organised for and on behalf of the bride before the BIG day - on Tuesday she came out in a rash all over her face!! Drama drama - off the the Docs for some ointment and by Saturday it was almost under control - though still a bit red on her upper chest. (and another of the bridesmaids caught her little toe on a lounge last weekend and was very badly bruised and very sore, though was still able to get her foot into the high heels on the day!)

Here is one photo of her and her boyfriend:

and another of the whole bridal party.


The recent news from New Zealand where a small town is suffering after the deaths of 29 miners trapped underground.


I have made 29 heart blocks to send to Shirley..  She is making quilts for the families of the miners who were lost.  You can go here to read more about it and join in if you like.

I used a variety of prints and heart shapes:


I do hope that the quilts will bring some comfort to the families.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hearts for Myra

While visiting Carla's blog, I found a request to make a 6.5" block for a lady in New Zealand who is making a quilt for a friend who is dealing with cancer.  I have made one block - based on one of Jenny of Elefantz's designs (all of which are lovely).  You can find Jenny's blog here.  If you are interested in participating go here for details.

Here is my very simple block: