
Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Annual Retreat is Nearly Here!!!

Remember counting sleeps til Christmas morning?? - well I am almost at the counting sleeps til I go away for 4 gorgeous days of eating, sewing, sleeping - but mainly sewing - I can always sleep when I get home!
And before that I have a week off work - to get ready - lots of cuttimg to do beforehand.  I have the music organised - about 80 hours of old pop, some new , some jazz.  My machine has been serviced.  I have new blades for my rotary cutter and spare needles  I have a list of what to take - just so I dont forget soemthing really important -- like the batting for the quilts I hope to get to pinned stage.  And of course we all take at least 6 weeks worth of sewing - after all we might get flooded in, or snow bound (in Queensland, Australia - very highly unlikely!) or some other disaster that we can only hope for!!
The venue is gorgeous, the food fantastic and all too plentiful and the accomodtion is luxurious. 
I promise to take photos and post some of my achievements (or attempts).

So in 2 weeks time I will be packed and ready for an early start on Friday!!!